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2024 International Society of Forest Resource Economics Symposium (ISFRE)

What’s Over the Horizon? Future Challenges and Opportunities facing Sustainable Forest Management
April 1-3, 2024
Arkansas Center for Forest Business, College of Forestry, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
Little Rock, AR

The International Society of Forest Resource Economics (ISFRE) brings together representatives of industry, consulting, academia, and federal and state agencies to discuss current issues in the economics of forestry, timber markets, management and utilization, timberland investments, law, and forest products trade. The 2024 ISFRE annual meeting will be in-person in Little Rock, Arkansas, on April 1-3, 2024.

Participants will be provided web links to general and concurrent sessions. In addition, participants will be eligible for Continuing Forestry Education credits approved by the Society of American Foresters. The deadline for registration is March 1, 2024. For anyone registering after March 1, there will be an additional fee of $100 for late registration.

Registration - $500

Student Registration - $300

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